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Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Woojin Plaimm Co., Ltd. (woojinplaimm.com, hereinafter referred to as the "Company") places great importance on the protection of users' personal information, and is doing its best so that the personal information provided to the Company online can be protected while the user uses the Company's services. The Company is taking measures so that users can easily view the private policy at any time by disclosing it on the landing screen of the website.

"Personal information" is information about a living individual, and information that can identify the individual according to the name and resident registration number included in the information (even if the information alone cannot identify a specific individual, that can be easily combined with other information and identify such individual). 


The Company's privacy policy may be amended from time to time due to changes in the government's laws and guidelines or the Company's internal policy, and the necessary procedures for continuous improvement of the privacy policy are established. In addition, when revising the privacy policy, the Company shall notify such 7 days prior to the enforcement of the change in the privacy policy through a notice and assign a version number and revision date so that users can easily recognize the revision. The privacy policy of woojinplaimm.com contains the following contents.


 Protection of users' personal information


The Company complies with the Personal Information Protection Regulations and the Personal Information Protection Guidelines established by the Ministry of Information and Communication according to the relevant laws and regulations that information and communications service providers must comply with, such as the Protection of Communications Secrets Act, the Telecommunication Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection Act, etc.


 Consent to collection of personal information


The Company has prepared a procedure for users to click the “Agree” button or the “Cancel” button regarding the contents of the privacy policy or terms of use, and when a user clicks the “Agree” button, it is deemed that the user has agreed to the collection of personal information.


 Personal information collection items


The Company collects the following personal information for membership registration, consultation, service application, etc.


Items: Name, ID, password, email, address, contact information. Automatic collection items: IP address, service use records, etc. Information collection method: website (http://www.woojinplaimm.com)


 Purposes of collection and use of personal information


Used for identification of service users and confirmation of intention to join 

Delivering notices and securing communication channels for handling complaints 

Data for providing up-to-date information such as new services and providing personalized services 

Prevention of unauthorized use and prevention of unauthorized use of malicious members 

Provision of other smooth and high-quality services, etc.


 Retention and use period of personal information


In principle, the Company destroys the information without delay after the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved. However, if it is necessary to preserve it in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the Company keeps the member information for a certain period stipulated by the relevant laws.


Records on contract or subscription withdrawal: 5 years 

Records on payment and supply of goods: 5 years 

Records on consumer complaints or dispute settlement: 3 years 

Record of visit: 3 months 

When the retention period is notified to the user in advance or individually consented by the user: The period notified or individually consented


 Sharing and provision of personal information


The Company uses the personal information of users within the scope notified in the "purpose of collecting and using personal information", and does not use the user's personal information outside the same scope without prior consent of the user or, in principle, disclose the user's personal information to the outside. However, the following cases are exceptions.


If users agree to the disclosure in advance, if they violate the terms of use the service or the service terms and conditions and operating principles of other member services, etc. posted on the website, if there is sufficient grounds to be judged that personal information should be disclosed in order to take legal action against a user due to causing mental and material damage to others by using the service, if it is judged in good faith that it is required by other laws (ex. if there is a request from the government/investigation agency in accordance with the relevant law), in the case of providing to advertisers, partners, or research organizations in a form that cannot identify a specific individual for statistics academic research or market research, in the case of providing personal information to a professional company under clause K for handling complaints and inquiries (civil complaints) related to the use of services by users, information may be provided to the consigned company for services such as events and prize winning, and the type and purpose of use of the information required at this time shall be specified and notified to users.


In addition, the Company may share users' personal information to develop new technologies or provide better services. Even in this case, prior to information collection or provision of information, users will be informed of who is the organization or group that will share their personal information, what information is needed and why, and until how long it is protected and managed, and undergo a procedure for obtaining consent, and if there is no such consent additional information shall not be collected or shared arbitrarily.


Even when advertisements are posted and sent to groups with specific conditions by gender, age, and other specific conditions, users' personal information will not be provided to the individual or company that requested the advertisement, and even when necessary for other statistical processing, academic research, or market research, such information will bne provided only in an unidentifiable form.


 Matters concerning the user's own personal information management (access, correction, deletion, etc.)


Users can view or modify their registered personal information at any time by using the woojinplaimm.com website, and may request termination of subscription.


In order to view and edit personal information of users, you may log in using your ID and password in the woojinplaimm.com member space menu, and you can modify all input items except ID, resident registration number, and name. Also, if you have forgotten your ID or password, click "Find ID/Password" in the member space menu and enter the necessary information for identification according to the instructions of the customer center.


If you select "Cancel Membership" from the woojinplaimm.com homepage membership space menu, enter the items according to the instructions on the website, and select "Cancellation Completed", based on the entered information, the user identification is verified and then processed.


Users may cancel the subscription or use of the woojinplaimm.com service member ID, but this does not mean that all services will be unavailable. The Company handles personal information that has been canceled or deleted at the request of a user as specified in "Period of Retention and Use of Personal Information" and is processed so that it cannot be viewed or used for other purposes.


 Consignment of handling personal information


The Company does not entrust the collection, handling, and management of your personal information.


 Matters on the operation of cookies


In order to provide customized services specialized to users, we use 'cookies' that store users' information and retrieve them from time to time. Cookies are a small amount of information sent to the user's computer browser by the server (HTTP) used to operate the website, and are also stored on the hard disk of the user's PC computer.


In order for users to log in (LOG-IN) after accessing woojinplaimm.com and use the service, users must allow cookies. woojinplaimm.com uses cookies to find information about ID in order to provide more suitable and useful services to users. Cookies identify a user's computer but do not personally identify a user.


Users can choose whether to use cookies. By setting options in the web browser, you can allow all cookies, check each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies.


 Technical and managerial measures related to personal information


In handling users' personal information, the Company takes the following technical measures to ensure safety so that personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged.


Users' personal information is thoroughly protected by passwords. The password of a member ID is known only to the member, and only the person who knows the password can check and change personal information. Therefore, users should not disclose the password to anyone. To this end, the Company basically recommends that you log out online and close the web browser after finishing using a PC. In particular, if you share your PC with other people or use a PC in a public place (company, school, library, internet game room, etc.), the above procedure will be even more necessary to prevent personal information from being disclosed to others.


The Company is doing its best to prevent the leakage or damage of members' personal information by hacking or computer viruses. In preparation for damage to personal information, data are frequently backed up, and users' personal information or data are prevented from being leaked or damaged by using the latest anti-virus program, and personal information is safely transmitted over the network through encrypted communication, etc. In addition, we use an intrusion prevention system to control unauthorized access from outside, and we are trying to be equipped with all possible technical devices to secure systemic security.


The Company's personnel handling personal information is limited to the person in charge, and a separate password is given for this and it is regularly updated, and the compliance of the personal information protection policy is always emphasized through frequent training for the person in charge. However, the Company is not responsible for any problems caused by the leakage of personal information such as ID, password, and resident registration number due to the user's carelessness or Internet problems.


● Collecting opinions related to personal information


The Company is collecting opinions from users regarding the protection of personal information, and has prepared all procedures and methods to handle complaints. Users can report complaints by phone or e-mail by referring to the section "Department, name, and contact information of the chief privacy officer and the person in charge of personal information management " specified below, and the Company will provide prompt and sufficient answers to users.


Alternatively, you can submit complaints to the following agencies established and operated by the government.


Personal Information Infringement Report Center (http://www.cyberprivacy.or.kr, phone 1336) Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (http://www.kopico.or.kr, phone 1336) Information Protection Mark Certification Committee (http: //www.privacymark.or.kr, phone 02-580-0533) National Police Agency (http://www.police.go.kr)


 Protection of personal information of children under the age of 14


The Company does not provide services that require the provision of personal information to children under the age of 14.


 The department, name and contact information of the chief privacy officer and the person in charge of personal information management


The Company is committed to ensuring that you use good information safely. In protecting personal information, the chief privacy officer is responsible for any accidents contrary to the matters notified to you.


The user himself is responsible for maintaining the security of the password for the user's personal information. The company does not directly ask users for passwords in any way, so please be careful not to leak your password to others. In particular, if you are connected online in a public place as specified in the section "Technical-Administrative Measures Related to Personal Information", you should be more careful. The Company appoints a chief privacy officer and a person in charge of personal information management responsible for collecting opinions and handling complaints about personal information, and the contact information is as follows.


● Chief Privacy Officer


Name: Ho-won Kim Department/Title: Process Innovation Department/ Deputy General Manager e-mail: glory2000@wjpim.com


 Person in charge of personal information management


Name: Su-yeoung Jeong Department/Title: Process Innovation Department/Employee e-mail: suyeong.jeong@wjpim.com 

 Duty to notice


Any addition, deletion or modification of the current privacy policy will be notified on the 'Notice' on the website at least 7 days before the revision.


Privacy Policy Version Number: v2.1 Announcement Date: August 21, 2019 Effective Date: August 21, 2019 

우진플라임 대표이사 : 김익환
주소 : 충북 보은군 장안면 우진플라임로 100 (28913)
팩스 : 043-543-1420
전화번호 : 043-540-9000 고객센터(A/S문의) : 1644-0990
E-mail : info@wjpim.com